Monday, June 27, 2011

Over the past decade, Apple has successfully created an innovation to the basic mp3 player that we use to load up with our favorite tunes. Undisputed of its great features and its unique design, the iPod has entirely set a new wave of taste to the modern mp3 players.

iPod First Generation (2001)
iPod Classic (2011)
The consistency of the product's concept from the use if its logo to its design was very distinct even to the release of the first wave of iPod. The iconic design of the first iPod having the round control pad was only modified and made to look modernized as the same classic design was been carried on until today.

iPod ads in Hong Kong
Not only to it's sleek design does iPod owe the popularity that it has gotten today. Combine the product's amazing features and unique style with great advertisements, the makers of iPod has been dealing with great success over the past years since its release in the market, receiving a high level of recognition among the consumers, and a high edge among all other competitors.

iPod's advertisements have made a great deal of creating a powerful perception on the 'identity' of the product that customers would more likely to consider as it gives them a factor of that 'identity' as is presented in the ads for using the iPod.

iPod Shuffle

For example, the image of silhouettes of people on colorful background while listening to music thru an iPod quickly gives an impression to the consumers that the iPod as a cool music-listening gadget and those who would use it are cool people as well. The message of the advertisements greatly impact the image of the product, as well as it effectively channels the message of what target lifestyle is served by an Apple Brand.

iPod Nano
The labeling of Apple's products including the iPod, iPad and iPhone is also one of the factors for the success of the brand. Evidently, Apple has applied the Integrated Marketing Communications strategy in presenting a consistent message through its advertisements online, in print and on TV, through the product labeling, the series of products lined-up under an Apple label which patterns itself to the consumers' lifestyle and needs, and the consistent delivery of outstanding quality and unique features exclusively available to an Apple Brand.

iPod Touch

Monday, June 20, 2011

Business Card for Sweet Dawn Cabrillos


The front view of Sweet Dawn's Business Card.

The back view of Sweet Dawn's Business Card.