Friday, July 29, 2011

Advertisement Analysis #3

This street campaign of the Australian Childhood Foundation is something that could really catch the attention of passers-by. I like the idea of how they conceptualized the message and how was it integrated with the social awareness campaign that they had created to raise awareness among the people.

The Visual Element is very effective. The message that states "Neglected children are made to feel invisible.", is a very simple but powerful message. The concept for the ad was based upon the message about neglected children which are made to feel invisible, and was literally applied on the visual component of the ad to present a unified message visually and theoretically.

I think that this campaign was able effectively raise the awareness of the people about the message of this social awareness campaign with how it plays with our curiosity about unusual things that we see in ordinary places.

I could virtually imagine myself walking along that street and finding this advocacy message. This ad will really catch my attention as it is an unusual sight to find a child pasted on the wall.

The use of an ordinary street wall is a very good medium to sell the message to the people to be aware of this issue about children being neglected,  especially that there is this dummy of a child, making it interesting enough to take a second look at.
Then there is a second part to this ad campaign when there is a message that says "Thank you for seeing me" after the child has been removed out of the wall.

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