Friday, July 29, 2011

Advertisement Analysis #4

This is one fun and effective promotional campaign by which is a site initiated by the automobile company Volkswagen. The main goal of this campaign is promoting to change things for the better by doing it in a fun and an entirely different way. Volkswagen has also made use of thefuntheory in their advertising campaigns and had gone an extra mile by executing the same theory in various things where we are aware it needs change.

We are all aware that it is better to take the stair because it is good for the health. However, very few people follow this advice. In contrary to the normal human behavior of people being lazy to take the stairs if there is an escalator or an elevator available, the campaign wants to get people to change this behavior by making some fun changes in the regular staircase.

This campaign is more of like a case study of whether converting a regular staircase into a huge piano staircase would make people take the stairs more rather than the escalator.

As what is shown in the video, the results of this campaign has drawn more people to use the stairs as they find it fun to hear sounds with each step they take on the piano staircase.

This campaign initiated by the Volkswagen ad campaign has gone a long way and has been very effective in promoting change in people's routine behavior. As people get drawn by the great fun ideas showcased in thefuntheory site, Volkswagen is also gaining publicity for the campaign they had initiated.

The campaign has made use of a video as their medium to present their theory. At the beginning of the campaign video, they had shown the setting "before" they executed their theory where people would really tend to take the escalator rather than the stairs in a subway in Odenplan, Stockholm. They have also shown the process of how it was done, and finally, the results after they made the change where people who find out about the piano stairs now choose to take the stairs because it's fun. 

The video summarizes the campaign as it has shown the before, the behind the scenes and the results of the campaign in a less than 2-minute video. The message was clear and inspiring and they were able to present it in a short video clip.

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